82 Is The New 42
Nov 17, 2020

"I’d just like to say I am a good friend in New Zealand of Patti Lien, who shared with me about Original Strength and then “ by chance “ I came across one of Tim's podcasts.
I began a few basic things on my bed, .....didn’t do anything on the floor because I couldn’t physically get down on the floor and couldn’t get up even with the help of a chair. I did have a try at first and the whole thing was a DRAMA!
A year later I can get up off the floor without an aid! To me that’s a miracle.....and/or proof that these things work. I’m 82, overweight (urgh), but I am more agile than I have been for 30/40 years. Mind you....I'm perhaps not the most elegant getting to stand up (not at all like Tim)!!
To me, it's almost unbelievable I could go from being totally cast on the floor, unable to get up without someone helping me.......to getting up unaided.
I “happened“ on a podcast last week of Tim’s about the pelvic diaphragm.....and have added those exercises too. Half my friends have prolapses.....so I am being proactive to keep things right!! I haven't lost any weight though, like the person you wrote about..... But I have changed shape a tiny bit!
Cheers and God bless you all...."
Kaye, New Zealand
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