A Deep Down Reset
Jan 16, 2023

There are two things I’m always contemplating, partly because I believe that these two things are long-lasting reset buttons. That if you can press them, you are free to move and be. Anyway, these two things drift in and out of my thoughts quite often if not daily:
- The notion that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you, and to enter it, you have to enter it like a child.
- “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.” - Jesus
Deep down, I think these thoughts lead to a huge “reset button.” And for some reason, the way they dance in my thoughts, I equate them with vibrancy, energy, strength, contentment, fulfillment, and Life. I often feel like a character from National Treasure trying to solve a secret mystery that was hidden for the sole purpose of being found.
Anyway, this always has my attention, and if it has your attention, even if only a little, and if you’re curious, I’m just going to share where my thoughts run. I think these thoughts are fascinating to ponder, and they may spark further thoughts of wonder for you. These thoughts are not totally disjointed, but they are also not necessarily consistent in the stream of thought. But they may take you somewhere regardless.
What if children have so much energy because they are always living in the moment? They don’t live in the past or in the future. They are fully present and alive.
What if adults are so tired because they are living in the past, the future, or another time altogether? What if adults are “borrowing time” and therefore using stale energy?
What if fountains of living water spring up from NOW, this very moment? Children live in the wave of now, the rolling now, the constant now. They are aware of now. So their energy is vibrant, not necessarily because they are new to the world, but because they are present in the world.
Adults cling to past moments or worry about not yet moments. Adults dream of moments to come instead of waking to the moments that are. So their energy is in a stale, dreamlike state. Adults are not fully here, and therefore they feel heavy, sluggish, and labored.
Children live now, so there is no filter on their energy. Life springs up from them in this moment.
And this is the Secret. Another way to say about this Secret is that Christ is in you, NOW. Or, if that bothers you, Chi is in you Now. This is the flow state. The Fountains of Living Water state. Now.
The Secret of all secrets, hidden inside of us. The Secret tells us, “Do not worry about tomorrow. Sufficient is the day. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Within you. Right Now.”
What if we get so caught up in time that we miss the experience of Now?
What if we get so caught up in the IDEA of Heaven, we miss the experience of Heaven?
What if we’ve been so caught up in the IDEA of God, Universe, Light, Love, or Source being “out there” that we miss the experience of God actually being in us?
Are you still with me? Is this crazy? Is it too much?
My thoughts run still. Another thing children seem to have is joy. And I think that is “life in the Kingdom of Heaven.” The fountain of living waters is Joy, Joy without fear (yes, that is redundant but still seems like it needs to be said). The joy that is found in the Now is an energetic, unspeakable joy that washes away all cares, all worries, all fears, and all darkness. All that is left is lightness and LIGHT. It’s renewing, restoring, and freeing. It’s laughter, giggles, and excitement. It’s THE Secret. It’s Christ in You. It’s being how you always were; it’s being how you always are.
I’m going to stop here. My thoughts run deeper still, but they outrun my words.
Have you ever wondered about these things or anything like these things? I think one reason I enjoy thinking about these things is that there is a huge sense of Wonder that comes along with these ponders. They are Wonder Ponders, I guess. Anyway, they captivate me, and I just wanted to share in case they may captivate you as well. Or make you a little thirsty, at the very least. I believe there is a fountain of Life tucked away inside each of us. Kind of like a massive reset button waiting for us to press it. It’s in us. Right Now.
Comments (7)
Jan 17, 2023 at 04:25 PM
I did not see this one coming!
The practice of "presence" -- attending to what's happening Now -- can be an elusive affair. We know the mind has various functions, but doesn't come equipped with road signs; it can slip quickly into memory (past) or fast-forward into imagination (future) without our notice, and sometimes with our encouragement. So, how to re-call the Now?
Your placing that re-call effort as a *Reset* gives us a way to "take hold" of the call to presence. Folks who follow your training will have access to feelings, sensations, experiences that are linked to that word. We know its importance, and utility. Using the idea of Reset, we can know how to locate the present, and why.
For people concerned with matters of Spirit, I presume that prayer, too, would be a Big Reset Button, given how it re-orients a person internally.
Tim Anderson:
Jan 17, 2023 at 05:46 PM
Thanks for adding your insights here, Walt! This is AWEsome!
Jan 21, 2023 at 10:58 AM
You are the best! A mindful soul is like a breath of fresh air... God bless you!
Tim Anderson:
Feb 07, 2023 at 03:37 PM
Thanks for the encouragement Brenda!
Jan 30, 2023 at 06:03 PM
Happy New Year's Original Strength, Tim,
I agree that when we engage in movement, we must connect our bodies, minds, and thoughts synchronously; we can use our breath or positive affirmation to accomplish this. And what more beautiful way to achieve this than to bring our emotions and spirituality into the movement?
Truthfully, children are excellent reminders of this.
I was visiting my 4,8,9-year-old nephew and nieces yesterday, and at one point, I was lifting a blanket into the air and bringing it back down again. All I had to say to them was, "alright, you have to get past the blanket before it falls and without it touching you on the head, and for the next 10 minutes, without any instructions, they ran, crawled, rolled, jumped past the blanket, (Until the parents told them it was bedtime.) Then, my sister said, that was the most fun they'd had all day. Such a simple thing, movement!
After reading your article, you have helped enforce the idea of how important it is to approach my daily OS movements with not only the physical or the breath or thought but to bring fun, playfulness, unadulterated joy, and spirit into the movements. As I write unadulterated, it looks like we need to leave the adult (un-adult) behind and let the child out! Thanks so much for your insight, Tim!
Tim Anderson:
Feb 07, 2023 at 03:39 PM
Thank you so much for sharing this David! So wonderful. I love what you’ve discovered here - we need to un-adult! That is too awesome.
Tim Anderson:
Feb 07, 2023 at 03:40 PM
I hope you have a fantastic new year, Rich! Or an amazing new day every single day.
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