Don’t Neglect Your Feet
Jun 20, 2023

Chances are, your feet are neglected. What I mean is that more than likely, they spend the majority of their time stuffed in shoes. Even if you wear minimalist shoes, which are better than the common alternatives, your feet are still not getting the attention they deserve. And if your feet are missing out, you are missing out.
Your feet are remarkable members of your body. Not only are they your foundation for support when you stand, walk and run, but they are your primary sensory devices. At least they are meant to be. You see, your feet are not just for standing on; they are information gatherers. As the only members of your body that actually touch the ground when you move through the world, your feet are meant to be your primary receivers of information from the earth.
In other words, your feet are designed to feel the ground, and the information they collect is intended to tell your brain how best to move your body. When the information the feet receive is blunted by shoes, the brain doesn’t get the best “picture” of what the body is doing; information is lacking. When information going to the brain is lacking, the brain has to take protective action, and it moves or guards the body accordingly.
For example, if you are wearing thick-bottomed shoes and your feet can’t feel the ground, your brain may tighten your lower back and your hamstrings because it does not trust that you are on stable footing. It may do this to “guard” your movements to keep you safe. As a result, you may not have the balance, speed, and agility you actually need to do anything athletic or graceful (like walking). But, if you were barefoot and your feet could feel the ground and paint a clear picture for your brain as to what surface you were on and the texture that it had, your brain could then know exactly how best to let the body move with grace and fluidity when you walk.
Limiting the information that your brain is designed to receive will ultimately limit the expressions your body is designed to make. If the brain thinks information is missing, or if it doesn’t have the clearest picture, it will govern how the body moves in order to protect the body. If the information coming in is restricted, the body is inhibited. And this does matter, especially in the long run. A life of inhibited movement can cause compensations and deterioration of a body that is actually designed to last a lifetime.
This is especially true if the feet are suffering. Cramming and squeezing the toes and feet together in shoes that are too tight and too small not only blunts the sensory information but it jams up the joints of the feet. This can and does often result in movement and pain issues with the ankles, knees, hips, and even shoulders. Torturing the feet for fashion is basically torturing the whole body. It is just not a road that leads to health.
Anyway, your feet are designed to feel and be free. The more room they have to move, the more textures and terrains they can experience, the more information they provide the brain, and the better the body ultimately performs.
I know it’s not feasible to walk everywhere barefoot. But it is feasible to intentionally provide your feet with the opportunity to be barefoot. Walking barefoot in grass, on carpet, on concrete, on hardwood floors, on sand, on linoleum - it’s all a buffet of texture and surface. Yes, walking barefoot outside is optimal, especially from an earthing or grounding sense, but even being barefoot inside is better than always blunting the information your feet receive with socks and shoes.
But don’t forget the changes in terrain. Deliberately exposing yourself to altering, uneven surfaces is great for the feet and ankles. It keeps the body’s reflexive strength sharp. Walking on hills, curbs, parking lot dividers, beach sand - all these challenges in terrain are great for the health of the feet and, therefore, the health of the entire body.
Again, your feet are made to feel and provide nourishing information to the brain. The information they are designed to gather is intended to help the brain move the body optimally. Frequently exposing your feet, removing your socks and shoes, and allowing them to feel and articulate is an easy way to restore the health of your feet and your body. Even something as silly as rocking back and forth on your hands and knees while being barefoot and exploring different foot positions is a great way to begin restoring the health of your feet.
The point is, don’t neglect your feet. After all, they are the hands of your legs. If you allow them to become healthy, everything about how you feel and move through the world, will also improve.
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Jul 08, 2023 at 07:16 PM
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