Where Does Movement Come From?
Sep 02, 2023

Hey Everyone,
It’s been a fairly good week this week. I got to be on the Run with FitPage Podcast last week with Vikas Singh. This was probably one of the best discussions I’ve ever had about Original Strength and how it can help the body restore itself. After all of these years, I think I’m finally getting it. Or at least I got that while talking to Vikas! Truth be told, I keep learning about movement and the body through movement; I’m not sure I’ll ever fully “get it.”
If you want to check out our talk about OS and the body, here it is:
iTunes: http://apple.co/3qWPtMB
Spotify: http://spoti.fi/3EmjCId
Amazon: http://amzn.to/3qVC3jQ
Speaking about continually learning from movement, this week, from YouTube, a viewer wrote in, “Make sure you give credit where it is due.”
This was a comment posted on a forty-second video about elevated rolling. I honestly had no idea what he meant or why he said it. BUT, it bothered me a little.
Here's the video if you want to check it out:https://youtube.com/shorts/fAIFF8L0oLE?feature=share
Before we get started, I know it shouldn’t bother me. I know I should just let things roll away. But I try to acknowledge where I get ideas or whose shoulders I’m standing on. People like John Brookfield, Dan John, Pavel Tsatsouline, Geoff Neupert, and Matt Furey - the things I’ve learned from them are immeasurable. I am so grateful for their work, their mentorship, and their friendships.
But when it comes to rolling around on the floor, when it comes to 90% of the videos I’ve made, those came through me, and I have to credit God for that. I just show up often and play around, and I have been so fortunate to be taught in the moments of exploring. There have been days when I KNEW if I just showed up and spent some time on the floor, God would show me something new. It’s almost like a fun game: I don’t know what will happen, I show up, and I learn something new.
There have been other times that I’ve learned new movements because I was injured, and I was looking for new ways to move or heal from the injury. Yes, I get injuries, and I’ve filmed many videos while injured. I do my best to hide them, often by showing what I’ve learned from the injury.
This is an important bit of information. Original Strength does help prevent and heal from injuries, but it doesn’t stop life from happening. I’ve accumulated some pretty good injuries in the last ten years, even though I was constantly living in and practicing Pressing RESET on my body. I can tell you that 90% of my injuries happened around emotionally challenging times. It seems I get hurt when I’m going through an emotional crisis. I’m starting to learn from this. When I’m stressed, and my emotions are out of balance, the last thing I need to do is to try to be explosive! No more intense training during emotionally stressful times for me!
Okay, back to the videos… There have also been other days when I’m just thinking about movement, and I’ll “see” a movement in my head. Before I even do it, I know that it is something I should do and can do. It’s been wild, it’s been really nice. I enjoy it. I enjoy and look forward to learning what God will show me. To be honest, I probably don’t do it enough. And maybe my commenter friend was right. Maybe I don’t thank Him and credit Him enough, either.
So, here we are.
I sincerely hope that the videos and movements I put on YouTube and Instagram are useful and helpful to you. I hope they help you discover the wonders in your body and make your life brighter. I hope they help you fall in love with your design. But if I am honest, I learn what I learn, and I can move how I move because God is always showing me new things. And I love that.
And that is my story.
I don’t know the intent of the commenter. It could have just been a statement. It could have been a criticism. Or it could have been a nudge to reflect on all I’ve learned and been able to do. That’s how it ended up, at least. It makes me want to pause writing and go roll around on the floor right now in anticipation that my Friend will show me something through my body again.
When you show up, GOoD things happen.
Okay, before I go, this is a huge week: The Ultimate Weekend Reset: two new courses and Pressing Reset and Pro Reset certifications. It’s going to be great. I’m so excited to be reunited with old friends and make some new ones. If you are supposed to be here, here is the link for more information: https://originalstrength.net
Okay, my friends, I hope you enjoy the fruits of your labors this weekend. Happy Labor Day!
Comments (2)
Sep 02, 2023 at 11:16 AM
Love your stuff. Don't let it bother you...easier said but non the less. This person might not have meant it as harshly as you took it
Tim Anderson:
Sep 02, 2023 at 11:23 AM
Thanks Chip. Yeah, I used it as a chance to reflect on where I should give credit. Thank you for the encouragement!
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