You are Made to Feel Good
Sep 11, 2023

Wow, what a week. Over the weekend, we had four Original Strength courses at OSi (the Original Strength Institute). It was amazing. I got to share the wonders of our design, I got to see old friends, I got to make new friends, and I got to feel LOVED.
It is always joyful to get to teach and talk about how to Press RESET with movement. I don’t think I can ever tire of that. But to be surrounded by so many wonderful hearts that come together in one place to learn about their bodies and be able to help others with their physical issues, it’s Love. There is no other way to say it. At these weekends, you can feel it. You can even see it.
The funny thing about learning about the body and how it is really designed is that you end up learning about the soul and what its purpose really is: to be poured out to others. The better we move, the better we feel, the more we love, the more we give. It is the design. It is beautiful.
Original Strength can help a person heal their whole self. I know I can never tire of seeing that.
Also, this week, and in that same vein, I got to train and have lunch with an old friend. We’ve been friends for almost 26 years, but we’ve had about a 21-year gap in our friendship. The gap wasn’t on purpose; life just presented changes. I got a new job, started having kids, and we just quit hanging out.
Fast forward twenty-one years and my old friend came into my studio. He is in his seventies now, and he has a lot of life he wants to live. He’s running a huge business, raising and loving his grandkids - he has no intentions of slowing down. So when he realized his balance wasn’t what he wanted it to be and he was having a harder time getting up and down from a chair, he came to see me.
He told me what he couldn’t do, and then he told me, “I don’t accept can’t. There is always a way.”
He was right.
The changes his body has made are nothing less than wonderful. My old friend has gone from having to use his arms to help him get in and out of a chair to being able to lie down and get up from the floor without using his hands at all. He went from not having much balance or a solid contra-lateral pattern to being able to fluidly roll, crawl, perform birddogs, and do everything else he wanted to do.
He keeps telling me with a smile, “I can tell a big difference, Timmy. That’s why I keep coming back.”
Not only has movement (doing only Original Strength RESETS) restored my friend's ability to live his life well, but it also restored our friendship. I’m hanging out with my friend again, learning from him and digging through his pearls of wisdom. He is also leading me by example. He doesn’t accept “can’t,” and the lights of joy are always on in his eyes. He has my attention.
And finally, this coming week, we are going to try something new at the Original Strength Institute. We are going to let our light shine. The events of last weekend have affirmed our decision to test this out. People are hurting; we are hurting. People need hope; we need hope. So, we are going to offer a series at OSi called Life with God. It’s more of a conversation, but we will be talking about what a life with God might look like - it's for those of us who hurt, those of us who are looking for hope, and those who want to come back home.
I can tell you from my own experiences life is just better with God. To have an anchor, a compass, a purpose - it gives a person stability, freedom, peace, and joy. And, it just feels good. And as you all know, it feels good to feel GOoD.
I’ll be honest; I have no idea how this is going to go. But I’m excited to see what happens.
So, I’ll let you know!
That’s it for this week, my friends. But before I go, I am going to let you in on a secret that I know that I know that I know:
You are made to move.
Your movements are tied to your emotions and how you feel. When you move well, you feel well. Now, you are made to move well, and if when you move well, you feel good, that can only mean one thing:
You are made to feel good.
Believe that.
Comments (1)
Sep 11, 2023 at 08:25 PM
Awesome Tim
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