Veggies for a RESET
Oct 22, 2023

Hey Guys,
Fall is here! The weather in NC has changed, and the trees are following suit. It is one of the most wonderful times of the year here. The air is crisp, the temperature swings 30º from morning to afternoon to night, and the colors in the trees are amazing. October is a great reminder that everything has a season. I love it.
I have absolutely fallen in love with the writings of C.S. Lewis. Last week, I read The Great Divorce. If you haven’t read it, it’s a book that invites the reader to consider the difference between Heaven and Hell, the differences that seem to result from our choices. Lewis is a master and getting the reader to think about life, its meaning, and its hope. It’s a short book, but deep!
A couple of weeks ago, I decided to “Press RESET” on my nutrition and only eat vegetables for five days. I was curious as to if I could do it or not, and I wanted to see how I would feel. I read that it could mimic fasting if I ate less and eliminated animal products for a week. It wasn’t a bad experience! I even found a new food that I like - okra.
Hey, I get it, but no one is more surprised than me! I wouldn’t have touched okra with a 30-foot pole as a 40-something-year-old kid, but I thought one adventure might enjoy another adventure. To my surprise, I actually like okra, the way I cooked it, at least. I put it in an air fryer, then sprayed it with olive oil and sprinkled sea salt over it. Simple, but good!
Oh, what did I learn from my 5-day veggies-only plan? I learned that I could do it, and I lost about 9 pounds. I guess that means I did the under-eating part well, huh? The good thing is that five days was long enough. I didn’t suffer, and neither did my strength or energy. I felt great the whole week. But I have to tell you, that sushi was wonderful when I was done with my veggies.
This comment from YouTube really warmed my heart this week. The body was made to heal…!
“I can never thank you enough. When I started a couple of years back, I was a physical wreck. Something positive about your videos made me start my journey into health and fitness. Superman breathing, elevated rocking, rolling, and marching - simple but efficient workout.”
If you find the YouTube videos helpful, please share them with a friend or someone you want to help. You never know where a weird video and a couple of jokes may take someone.
Speaking of weird videos, We have an online Pressing Reset Certification coming up on November 3rd. If you are a movement professional, a medical professional, or if you have a body that you want to keep moving well throughout your lifetime, you want to be here for this!
Sign up here to Press RESET:
Ok, guys, that’s it for this week. Hope you have a wonderful fall week ahead!
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