3, 2, One, Blastoff!
Jun 20, 2024

Okay, true story. Last week, I had the honor of going to Houston to share Original Strength with the Performance Medical Team of a professional basketball team. These guys are the best at what they do, and they work with some of the world's greatest athletes. However, they are always seeking to learn more and grow, so they participate in continuing education opportunities during the “downtime” of their year.
Their job is so important; they are tasked with keeping their players healthy, improving and maintaining their performance, rehabilitating them from injuries and the wear and tear of the game, helping them recover from their grueling schedules, and keeping them as durable and resilient as they can throughout the season as well as throughout their careers. The Therapists, Athletic Trainers, Strength and Conditioning Coaches, and their supporting cast are like the “man behind the curtain.” They are the unseen heroes of professional sports.
You may not know this, but these guys don’t just build an athletes body, they also help shape an athlete’s soul. There is no separation between the body, mind and soul, there is only oneness. If they help improve an athlete’s body, they help improve their mind and emotions as well; they help ignite the athlete’s very being. The better an athlete moves, the more resilient they are, the better they feel, and the more confident they are. A strong and healthy athlete is a mentally resilient and confident athlete. And that is what leads to a high performing athlete. And the truth is the strength and conditioning staff often works this relationship in reverse. They may minister to the athlete's soul, lifting their thoughts and emotions, thus improving how they feel and move. In oneness, all paths lead to oneness…
Anyway, like I said, it was such an honor and dream to Press RESET with these amazing professionals; it was one of my favorite experiences sharing how we were designed to move and be strong. And I wasn’t just sharing what I know; I was remembering and learning what is so easy to take for granted: When we embrace our design to move, we will experience joy.
You had to be there to see this, but during the two days I was with my new friends, the more they moved in their design and learned to “Press RESET,” the more they smiled. You could see the joy on their faces. This is because of the oneness I was talking about. We are made to move, and how we move is connected to how we feel. When we move the way we were designed to move, we end up feeling the way we were designed to feel: joyful.
We were made for joy. And it was so evident, so noticeable. And so contagious. Seeing their faces and hearing their laughs made me joyful. And that’s the other lesson. Not only are we knit together as one in body, mind, and soul, but we are designed to be knit together as one in relationship with one another. When one of us is joyful, that joy spreads to those around us. When one of us is sad, mad, or fearful, that energy is shared with others around us. This is why joy is so much more important. It helps us combat the sadness, anger, and fear in ourselves and those around us.
And that’s what I was reminded of. We are made to move, we are made to feel joyful (GOoD), and we are made to feel and share with others (like it or not) because we are not isolated from others but connected to them.
This is just another reason why it is so important to live in our design. How we move is bigger than what happens in our own bodies. How we move can impact the entire fabric of everyone around us. And, if we move in our design, we will likely express our intended state of joyful being. This is a highly contagious and analgesic state. It’s a healing state, and it allows us to live to our fullest potential—and maybe even win a few basketball games…
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