Healing and Original Strength
Jul 28, 2024

Here is a neat comment submission from a YouTube subscriber describing her healing journey with pelvic floor dysfunction. I'm posting it here in case it helps someone else. Just remember, you're never stuck, even if you are faced with seemingly impossible barriers. By design, you are an overcomer.
"No disrespect to physical therapists at all, but in my own personal experience, the physical therapy route is rather limited in what they can offer people compared to Original Strength Certified Professionals, especially without a hands-on, experienced practitioner in your local area. If you don't address the vestibular system, you'll never get to the root of the problem, as far as I can tell. At least that was the case with me as I tried for years (10+) to master the breathing & alignment pieces that I was given in therapy, and I always wondered why I never made much progress.
One reason is that it's exhausting to "hold" a position cognitively. When it comes to breathing, there can be deeper patterns of dysfunction that need to be addressed, like extreme tightness & inflexibility in the trunk. So, in my own experience, things never moved completely from the cognitive to the reflexive state of being, breathing & moving.
Thanks be to God, I've made more progress with my breathing in 3 weeks with OS than I ever made with traditional physical therapy protocols, which I believe can be attributed to breathing the OS way (not worrying about perfect alignment—especially crocodile breathing). But also the head nods, rolling, and rocking—they all help, and they all matter.
Healing is a journey. In the beginning, I managed to put myself into central nervous system fatigue (as far as I could tell) even though I did not go too crazy doing a ton of head movements. That shows, in my opinion, how much dysfunction we can accumulate, as well as the power of the OS resets. They are more than just silly movements.
If I had known way back when that OS would have been so beneficial for my pelvic floor, I would have gone down that path on day one! Please keep in mind that I'm not a professional, so maybe I'm way off, but the changes from OS have been so significant that they're hard not to notice. Of course, I could have learned a lot of this by going to a certification course (which maybe I still will), but I guess I'm one of those "baptism by fire" kind of people, lol!"
I just thought this was a neat post. It is great to see someone healing and growing simply by returning to their design for movement. The human body, your body, is amazing and wonderfully designed. One of the best ways to embrace that design and optimize your body's function is to move in it. Not only does movement help to heal the body, it helps to heal the soul. When you move well, you feel and think well; life is just better. That's your design - You are made to move for a better life.
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