Who is Pressing RESET For?
Sep 21, 2024

Who is Pressing RESET for?
We are all designed to move, to actually live and operate in our design of movement. Through movement, we build, nourish, and strengthen our entire being. Movement builds our brain and nervous system, it builds our structure, it helps to build our minds, and it helps to regulate our emotions. Everything about our being is made better, stronger, and healthier through engaging in and moving in our design.
This is evident as we are all born with the same movement template that is kickstarted through a series of reflexes called the developmental sequence. These reflexes and the movements they give way to are to become the foundation of everything we do. They ultimately have a massive part in determining how high we can reach (perform, rise, compete, love, flourish, overcome, be) in life and how we will experience life as we age. This means we are never meant to abandon this foundation; we are meant to shore it up constantly. We are meant to continually nourish and restore our brains, bodies, minds, and emotions. Because of life’s distractions and demands, many of us have to be intentional about this and engage in our design intentionally. We call this intentional engagement and action, Pressing RESET.
Pressing RESET is for you. No matter who you are, you can live a better life, even your best life, by intentionally engaging in your design and Pressing RESET daily. If you do this enough, through consistent engagement, you will eventually live in your design without needing intention. Your nervous system will take over and put you in a perpetual state of Pressing RESET; this is where your state of being is enhanced and optimized. This is where you realize how good it feels to feel good.
What is Pressing RESET specifically?
It’s doing these five movements daily, if not almost daily:
- Breathe in and out through your nose with your tongue on the roof of your mouth while you fill the bottom of your lungs.
- You should place your eyes and head on the horizon often and move your eyes and head often.
- Rolling and Rotating your eyes, head, neck, and spine.
- Rocking back and forth on your hands and knees.
- Engaging in your full gait pattern, swinging all four limbs in perfect rhythm, allowing your opposing limbs to mirror one another.
These movements are wired into us before birth. They are the movements we are designed to do until death. They are the movements that build our “House upon a rock,” giving us a solid foundation to live our best lives.
Don’t just take my word for it. Experience this. Do this. Evaluate it. Then get back to me and let me know what you discover. Speaking of discoveries, take a look at what a friend from YouTube has discovered about Pressing RESET:
“I have been doing the Pressing RESET movements and following the suggestions from the YouTube channel for about a year and a half.
As a musician who plays an overly demanding physical instrument (the double bass), I have found that Pressing RESET helps me overcome or alleviate body tensions and seems to prevent pains that I have become accustomed to.
Pressing RESET is also very suitable for me because it is really simple and fun.
Also, in life, I find that there are rough, stressful periods, and these movements have helped me care for and love myself, which has opened doors and allowed me to provide greater support to others around me.
I’m so thankful my teacher, Brian, recommended this channel to me.” - Asaf
Feel better, Do better, Be better - Press RESET
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