Unplug Yourself
Nov 03, 2024

I'm just processing thoughts here. I write to do that. If this is of any use to you, that's wonderful. If it's of no use, that's okay too. Sometimes, not everything resonates. In any event, I hope there is something useful here.
We “know” too much. And because of this, we have become tense, anxious, worried, angry, callous, apathetic, depressed, and dim. I say dim because we are meant to shine as lights, but we are smoldering with a faint glow at best. Our world is chaotic. And we know everything about the chaos at all times. We are constantly plugged into the world, its events, its opinions, its fears, and its predictions. Most of this information, if not all, is negative information that sends one constant and consistent message to our brain: I am not safe.
The sky is falling.
All. The. Time.
We are constantly flooded and bombarded with “bad news.” We are told lies to control us through fear. We are fed slander, gossip, rumors, and doom nonstop. Our brain, seeing all of this information, determines the best course of action for us to take: Survive. Fight if you have to, flee if you must.
That’s daily life for most of us. Survive. We get filled with tension, pain, and fear. And because we are filled with it, we express it and share it with the rest of the world. Then, without even trying to, we add to and perpetuate the negativity. We cannot love our neighbors because there is no room for love in us. We can’t see them. All we can see is that the world is trying to limit our freedom and happiness. We see threats to our well-being or our desired way of being. We fear loss to come. So we fight to survive, and we defend ourselves callously.
We strike others down in righteous keyboard striking. We honked and screamed at the car that dared to impede our right of way. We don’t dare make eye contact. We refuse to acknowledge the hearts and humanity of others. We rage against those who don’t agree with our opinions, the opinions that we are more than certain are absolutely correct. We can’t possibly be wrong because we know all there is to know, and we would never dare hold false information. Yet we would believe everything we are told from those who we think are like us or want the same things we want.
We believe nearly everything that comes at us from “authority” and almost nothing that comes to us in love. We allow the “news” media, social media outlets, politicians, doctors, Hollywood actors, sports athletes - anyone with money, power, position, fame, or a popular voice - to fill our heads and hearts with the information they want to plant in us. We let them program us, then defend their program because it has become what we believe.
Don’t eat fat. Eat carbs. The economy is failing. The economy is strong. Obesity is genetic. Deal with it. Obesity does not have to be our normal. War is coming. Protect the borders. Cholesterol will kill you. Ozempic will save you. Vaccines are evil. Vaccines are good. We need to eat eggs. We should all be vegans. Meat eaters are destroying the planet. Sugar is good for you. Coca-Cola is a food.
What is up? What is down? Us. Them. Right. Wrong. Good. Evil. Pro. Anti. Truth. Lies.
We are too plugged into the world. We are losing our humanity, our logic, our sense, our intuition, our compassion, and our empathy—we are trading it all for constant unsafe information.
And it is wrecking us and wreaking havoc on our bodies, our families, our communities, and our world.
We need to unplug and open our eyes. We need to learn how to think and feel again. How to give instead of how to take. How to protect through love instead of how to defend through fear.
We are growing sicker and weaker by the year. Health care is the number one cost in our country, aimed at chronic disease - diseases with no cure, accepted to be managed. The root of all of it is likely too much survival mode and not enough thriving mode. There is too much programming and not enough self-autonomy. Too much negativity. Too many lies. There are too many predatory fears. We are not just in the world. We are being fed by it. And if we are truly going to “survive” so that we can one day thrive, we will have to unplug, step back, and relearn and remember who we are - the greatest creation to ever walk the earth.
And perhaps that is the answer in itself. Maybe we should just all go for a walk and leave our phones behind, our tethers to the world. Perhaps it starts with us being brave enough to go outside, alone, with just ourselves and the rest of creation. What if we were plugged into our true source by being unplugged from our worldly source? What if that was the way to hear wisdom, intuit truth, and know ourselves? What if our true path, the safety and our freedom to love our neighbors, was first to spend time learning to walk in our own shoes? What if instead of being fed by the world’s manipulative chaos, we learned how to feed ourselves by moving in our design with the rest of our environment while still in our minds so that the Designer can feed us?
This is all nonsense, I know. But look around. Everything is chaos. We cannot determine the truth from lies. Who or what is controlling the narrative of chaos? Why are the world, the neighborhood, and the home so divided? We are being controlled by fear, and we can’t get enough of it. We feed on it.
But we don’t have to. We can unplug ourselves from fear. And we can do that by living in our design. AND trusting in our Designer. All that to say, learn the joy of moving. Get outside, walk, play and laugh. Leave your phone at home. Stay off the news. Keep out of the echo negativity chambers. Learn to move better and improve your emotions, thoughts, and countenance. A body that moves well holds a soul that feels good. A soul that feels good infects the souls around it. It shines. It spreads light instead of darkness. A soul that feels good sees through the eyes of others into their hearts. It sees neighbors; it recognizes brothers. It loves. It respects. That is our design. That is what we are supposed to do.
“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”
Unplug from the world and plug into your design. The outcome is greater than you can imagine. It could even change the world.
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