Questions with Answers
This is a first for the blog - we are going to take a couple of questions we've gotten recently and answer them here in hopes that it may be helpful to you, our friend, the reader. So, HERE…
This is a first for the blog - we are going to take a couple of questions we've gotten recently and answer them here in hopes that it may be helpful to you, our friend, the reader. So, HERE…
Lower back pain sucks. Ok, all pain sucks. But lower back pain is really a pain. Most people experience lower back pain at some point in their lives. Some people live with lower back pain through…
We are designed to move forward. We tend to move towards whatever we set our eyes on, in body and in mind. We walk where we are facing and our life gravitates towards what we focus on, good or bad.…
I recently posted a video on YouTube about whisper counting, a way to strengthen the diaphragm and soothe the nervous system. This particular video seemed to catch unusual traction in views and comments…
What if you could have bolder shoulders? I spelled that right. I’m talking about having brave shoulders, or having no concerns for the health of your shoulders. Have…
In a somewhat popular episode of Seinfeld, episode #25, the big toe was referred to as the captain of the toes, as well it should be. The big toe is the toe of toes. While all toes are valuable - that’s…
And now, a guest article by friend and OS Clinician, Dr. Kurt Brooks... What is Text Neck? …
Strength is a skill. You may have heard that before. That is true, in its proper context. Strength, in the weight room, or strength inside of strength training, is a skill, especially in the…
And now, a guest article by OS Clinician, Dr. Kurt Brooks... Let’s start with what we know… Depression sucks!
In the Original Strength System, we place a premium on reestablishing or refining head control in order to become bulletproof and improve performance. This is accomplished…