Strength is Born from Habit

Sixty days ago, I began a simple experiment. I have no reason for my experiment other than like everything else in the world, I have my seasons. Anyway, sixty days ago I began performing a minimum of…

The Definition of Reflexive Strength

Way back in 2009, when learning how to become bulletproof and learning how powerful Pressing RESET can be, my friends (Mike McNiff and Geoff Neupert) and I started using the phrase reflexive strength…

Go Rogue in 2017

“What will you become?” This has to be one of the most famous quotes from the new Star Wars movie, Rogue One. And the funny thing is, it wasn’t even in the movie. It was, however, in every movie…

Be Grateful. It Resets You.

And now, a guest post by OS Instructor, Sarah Young......   Lately I've been playing with a reset that isn't one of the OS Big 5 (diaphragmatic breathing, head nods, rolling,…

Merry Christmas

I love Christmas. It is my favorite time of year. My wife, on the other hand, doesn't seem to love it quite as much as I do. Christmas really stresses her out. To be fair, she handles the lion's share…


I just got in from a wonderful weekend of OS workshops and had no blog to post for today. So, I wrote this. It may not be what you are expecting, but I hope you find some truth in it.....

What does it mean to have Reflexive Strength?

In last week's blog post I discussed a quick self-test you could perform to determine whether or not you had your reflexive strength, or any reflexive strength. It was a very complicated test, the squat!…

A Quick Reflexive Strength Self-Test

Have you ever wondered if you have your reflexive strength? You know, have you been sitting around work thinking to yourself, "Original Strength talks a lot about having reflexive strength. They say…

Thank You

It's Thanksgiving here in the United States. A time for us to be thankful. So here goes: If you are a father, a dad, trying to raise your kids well, trying to set the example…

Is Crawling for Everyone?

Recently, crawling has been in the news. I will be completely plain with you and tell you that I think it is just awesome. It has really been cool to see crawling make it to the press in the Washington…