Vantage Point

Do you know why humans are designed to hold their heads on the horizon? Vantage point. Probably not the reason you were thinking, but it is the reason. We are made to hold our gaze on the horizon, not…

The Head of....

We often talk about how the head leads the body or how the body follows the head. This is our design. If the head looks down, into flexion the body wants to go into flexion. If the head looks up in…

Original Strength for Baseball Players

And now, a guest article from OS Instructor, Mark Shropshire. If you are a coach, a trainer, or a strength enthusiast, this article is a MUST read.   As…


One of the beautiful things about Original Strength is it's simplicity. Simple movements like head nods, rolling and crawling build intricate neural connections which establish a solid foundation of…

What Do You See?

There is a great difference between what you look at and what you actually see. What I mean by that is you can look at something but not see its value. For example, you can look at someone rocking on…

Becoming Mobile

It is really remarkable what pressing reset and restoring the reflexive strength of a person can do. From a teaching vantage point, it is quite wonderful to visually see the changes in range of motion…

Do You Want to Move Better and Feel Better?

We all want to feel good, right? No one wants to hurt, be stiff, feel sluggish or have low energy. It is probably safe to assume that most people want to be filled with vigor and strength, have effortless…

Are You Flight Ready?

And now, a guest post by OS Instructor, Sarah Young.......     "Flying by the seat of your pants precedes crashing by the seat of your pants." -Coach…

Why Neck Flexion is Dangerous

We live in interesting times. The world has never been more connected than it is today - thanks to technology and the speed of the Internet. We have almost created one big nervous system through the…

Strength - How to Get it

Having strength just makes life better. It makes everything easier - regardless of your definition of strength. We all want to be strong, even if we don't yet know it. Below is a simple…