The Ultimate RESET?

It’s no secret that we believe that you should be up and moving around on two feet. We just know that it takes us awhile after years (decades?) of butt-sitting to move correctly - efficiently - without…

Head Control

The essence of strength is control. There are different types of strength, but control is at the root of all of them. Control is being able to move your body the way you want to move it. Control is…

The Terrible Land Of Limbo

Have you ever needed to leave your home but thought you might need to use the “restroom” but you weren’t sure if you did or not? You know, kind of a state of limbo: “Do I need to ‘go’? I feel like I…

The 2nd Best Reset For the Sitting Lifestyle

Last week we talked about the “TV watching position” as a phenomenal reset for overcoming the sitting lifestyle.…

Resetting a Reset

And now, a guest post by Bill Savage, OS Coach.... Recently I was back in Phoenix, one of my favourite cities to live in. While there, I always try to hike at least one of the 7 peaks in…

The Best Reset for the Sitting Lifestyle

We all know that too much sitting is not the best thing for us to do. It causes a host of issues. One of these issues is poor posture and tight hip flexors (the folding part of your hips by your front…

Original Strength for the Martial Artists

And now, a guest post by Mike Moran, OS Coach: I have been doing Martial Arts,specifically Enshin Karate for close to 8 years now. Currently I am a 2nd Degree Black Belt in the system,…

Shaming the Strong with Simplicity

And now, a guest post by Piers Kwan, OS Coach from Down Under.... I recently discovered that there was to be another Australian Original Strength event this year in Perth.  I was excited…

Do Your Thing

When I was a kid I always felt a little… different. That was probably because I knew I was the son of a military man living in post-Vietnam USA, growing up “off-base” and then growing up…


In OS, we often talk about pressing RESET as an analogy for starting over, or restoring the body. But truly, the idea of pressing reset goes far beyond being limited to the body. Kind of…