Be Your Own "Lab"

People, trainers and other fitness/rehab experts are always surprised at Pressing RESET workshops when I tell part of my story, especially the part about using the foam roller incessantly back in 2002…

Where is the Forest?

In Original Strength, we teach people how to Press RESET by engaging in the same child-like movements they were “preprogrammed” with before they were born, also known as the developmental sequence.

It’s Natural, Why Not Do It More?

Not much of a blog today - just a question for you.  

Do Not Imitate

All too often we try to imitate those whom we want to be like. We see people do things or become things and we imitate what they do or try to become who they are. There is nothing wrong with trying…

Start Where You Are, Do What You Can

One of the downsides of being the co-creator of Original Strength, is that people read and see what you do, and forget that where you are now, is not where you started.

Words Matter

  Words matter. Who ever came up with the kid's phrase, "Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" was a lier. Words can hurt far worse than sticks and stones…

It’s Your Approach

I was recently re-reading the classic book, Think And Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. Hill was commissioned by Andrew Carnegie, who at one time was the richest man in…

Looking Ahead

  A friend of mine recently shared some of her frustrations with me. Just to be clear, her frustrations where not due to me, she was letting me know about things in her life. She told…

The Heart of Strength

  The center is the beginning. This is true for many things. A baseball cannot be made without first forming the center, the core. Ripples in a lake cannot be made without an originating…

The Arrogance of Knowledge

I have been arrogant. Not on purpose, but arrogant nonetheless. I have also been serving what I was not drinking. Again, not on purpose, but I was talking the walk and not actually walking the talk.