Don't Be a Slouch!

When I was a kid, my mom…

What’s The Deal With Head/Neck Nods?

If there’s any one reset that may give skeptics and classically trained medical professionals pause, it’s the Head Nod.Why?Because it looks [like it could be] dangerous.

Movement is Not Pass/Fail

Is there a right…

House Upon a Rock

Have you ever heard…

You Will Not Find Your Salvation in a Bottle

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'OSifying' your Labor and Delivery

A little over 3 months ago I was sitting in a doctors office being told that today would be the day I brought my little girl into the world.  I was  going to be induced that afternoon so she could make…

What My Baby Boy Taught Me About Core Training

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Take a Stand

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Why [Not] Crawl?

I got off the phone just before lunch with a very good friend of mine who also happens to be a trainer. He was seeing a client tomorrow who was just coming back from a broken wrist and was going to…