Becoming The Batman

Categories: Blog Apr 20, 2016

And now, a guest post by Mark Limbaga with contributions by Tim Anderson.....

Riddle me this, riddle me that…. what is so amazing about the Bat(man)?

Is it the cool gadgets? Is it the Bat-mobile? Is it his ability to kick bad guy butt? Whatever reason it may be, we all have that reason we find the Dark Knight amazing. I think it is because Batman has something we desire to possess or he embodies something we aspire to be. We all have that inner desire to be more than normal.
I believe this desire is hard-wired in each of us. It's in our DNA.

Wanting to be “super” and wanting to do good is something we are all born with. It's up to us to cultivate this desire and let it reach it's potential.

Now you don't need a complicated exercise routine, a tragic past, fancy costume, have exceptional fighting skills, a utility belt or awesome gadgets to be Batman, there are many simple things you can do to be Batman in your daily life.

For example, a simple training routine or movement regiment of crawls and carries can help you develop and express your body's full potential of strength and mobility allowing you to become capable like Batman.

A - Crawl for forward for 10 yards, then crawl backwards for 10 yards.
B - Pick up a heavy object (kettlebell, sandbag, rock, small child, big dog, etc...) carry it for 10 yards. Put it down, turn around, pick it up and carry it back.

Repeat this over and over, A then B (crawl then carry), as many times as you can in 20 minutes, resting only as you need to. When the 20 minutes is up, record how many sequences you were able to complete. Done two to three times a week, this routine will help you unlock your Batman potential. Really, this works!

Beyond his physical prowess, Batman possesses other desirable characteristics that allow him to be more than normal. Here are a few simple things you can do to cultivate these other Batman-esque qualities:

- Do the right thing and be willing to not take credit for it. Batman never sticks around for fame and glory. He saves the day, but then leaves in the shadows. Often without leaving a trace of his involvement; except for the occasional batarang that doesn't comeback...

- Be persistent with your goals and do not give up easily. Batman knows no obstacles and settles for no defeat.

- Be hungry for knowledge. Learning new skills and developing deeper understanding can help you become a tremendous problem solver, like the "Detective" himself.

- Try to learn a few things about others to develop a level of empathy and understanding. Believe it or not, one of the things that makes Batman everyone's favorite superhero is he really does have a heart underneath that cowl and armor suit. He puts others before himself. Unless he is trying to save them; he usually places his body in front of others in those situations.

This is not a complete list of opportunities to reveal your inner Batman, but I think you get the point. You can be more than normal. You can be like the Batman. Be the hero, the protector, or the role model that is hard-wired into you. Simple acts of movement and intention can go a long way.

Mark Limbaga SFGII SFB

Mark is the first Strongfirst level 2 kettlebell instructor and bodyweight intructor based in the Philippines. Also an Original Strength alumni, Senior coach at Eclipse gym 247 and the head strength and conditioning coach for the Philippine boxing team.

When he is not helping others move better and get stronger, he spends his time watching movies, playing with his dogs and enjoying everything fun and interesting with his wife, Kathleen.

His blog is

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