Reset the Program

Categories: Blog Jul 12, 2015


Have you ever engaged in a flexibility program because you have tight muscles? You know, maybe you try to stretch your hamstrings because you can't touch your toes. Or, have you ever participated in a strength training program because your muscles are weak? Maybe you discovered that you cannot carry your suitcase up a flight of stairs as easily as you think you should be able to, so you set out to lift weights in order to gain strength.

Often, many of us may look at an outcome or an issue and set out to change or remedy the issue. We discover we have tight muscles, so maybe we stretch them. We discover that we have weak muscles so maybe we load them. This seems logical, but what if we are really trying to change the wrong things?

What if we are only addressing the symptoms of issues rather than the source of our issues? Can you not move well because your muscles are tight? Or are your muscles tight because you don't move well? Are you unable to pick heavy things up because you are weak, or are you weak simply because you don't move in the ways that you are designed to move?

What if instead of trying to change your situation or your issue, you tried to change the pattern, or the program, that is causing your issue? Our bodies display, or express, what our nervous system is doing. If we are tight, it is probably because the nervous system is telling the body to be tight. If we are weak, it very well could be because the nervous system is expressing a problem with our default program. If we PRESS RESET in our nervous system and restore our default program to it's original operating system and patterns, then we may be able to change the expressions, the displayed issues, we want to address.

To say this another way, performing head nods and rolling on the floor can reset the nervous system and allow the body to express its strength potential, or it's mobility potential. By crawling once in a while, or even taking purposeful walks, you may discover that your body is really strong, strong enough to easily execute tasks like carrying a heavy suitcase up a flight of stairs.

If we can change our patterns, or programming, we can change our results, or our expressions.
This is true in your daily life as well. For example, Are you often irritated because people seem unfriendly towards you? Or, are people unfriendly towards you because you are often irritated?
If you notice that people don't seem to act friendly towards you, check to see how you are operating towards them. Do you smile? Do you make eye contact? Do you express politeness? How are your patterns?

What results do you encounter on a day to day basis? Are your days filled with successes and sunshine, or are they filled with clouds and defeats? Check your program. Do you operate from the "glass half full" or the "glass half empty" mentality? If you are a "half empty" person, you may be operating from a faulty pattern. Don't use the label of being a realist in order to give yourself an excuse to fail or fall short.

The point is, we often express what is going on inside of our nervous system and our mind (they are very connected, by the way). If we are not physically expressing the joys of movement in the ways that we want to, or if we are not able to experience the joys of life and all the interactions it brings, we may need to PRESS RESET and change our patterns back to their original default.

Take time every day to move, in your original movement patterns. If it is half empty, fill it up! Change the way you think. Remember how to smile. Remember how to breathe. It is the simple things that restore the original design. Reset and restore your patterns and express who you were meant to be.

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