Who is Pressing RESET For?

Who is Pressing RESET for? We are all designed to move, to actually live and operate in our design of movement. Through movement, we build, nourish, and strengthen our entire being. Movement…

Old Things Can Become New

People often prefer new and shiny things. I think we are designed to do this. After all, new is exciting. But we also crave old things like memories, tastes, smells, and feelings. Older things can bring comfort in a world where new seems always to fade. 

Original Strength is a company that teaches the oldest strength-building routine in the world, which is personalized to each individual's body. This original, old routine involves using the vestibular and nervous systems designed and built specifically for our bodies. 

Living in our design, we naturally developed strength as babies by controlling our heads, rolling over, crawling, and walking. However, as we grew up, we “moved” away from our design and became sitters, stressors, and worriers, causing our bodies to adapt to these changes. 

We can shift the direction of change through Original Strength's Movement Restoration System, which aims to help people regain some of the strength and movement they had as children. With Pressing RESET, we can even help people renew their bodies by recovering quicker and potentially eliminating the need for medications and surgeries.

Just Press the Button

As it happens, every few years, I realize I can never quickly and clearly explain what it means to Press RESET. And that’s a problem because the main thing I do, my one job, is to teach people what…

The Power of Skipping

And now, a guest article from OS Instructor, friend, and sage, Sarah Young...  “I still get wildly enthusiastic…

How to Hold Your Tongue

In Original Strength, we believe that there are three pillars of human movement. If we do these three things throughout our lives, these things we are designed to do daily if not “momently,” then we…

The Fountain of Youth is Within You

I recently did a BodCast Episode about the Vestibular System. If you want to catch a glimpse of the wonder inside of your design, you may want to listen to it. It’s full of “neat” tidbits about your…

What Are You Afraid Of?

And now, a guest article from OS Professional Dr. Kurt Brooks... We all have fear of ‘something.’  I’m afraid of spiders! (Yes… they are vile…

Strengthen Yourself 101

What if you could invest ten minutes in a movement every day to become a better you, the best you, would you do it?  What if there was a movement that…