Wherever I Go, There I Am
Aug 06, 2014

There was a time in my life when I would scout out places to train at when I would go on vacation. OK, I'll be honest, I would scout out places to "workout" at. I wasn't really training for anything. Anyway, vacations were not really fun for me if I could not continue to train. I was so obsessed with working out that I acted as if missing a week would destroy years of progress, or even worse, it may even destroy my self worth.
I am happy to say that I am free from those afflictions now. I no longer place my self worth on my training and I no longer seek out places to train while on vacation. To be most honest, I still train while on vacation. Training brings me joy. I like to do it. But it doesn't rule me anymore. I have learned how to simply "be" and rest in who I am and where I am.
Here is what I have learned:
1) I am the place to train.
No matter where I go, there I am. I can train harder, smarter, more efficient, more effectively than I ever could at any brick and mortar establishment. No piece of fitness equipment can ever rival what my body can do. No external device can ever offer the same quality of useful strength that my body can generate on its own.
2) Strength and Mobility are the natural expression of a well moved and used body.
Through the process of restoring my Original Strength, I have learned that the body is full of potential waiting to be expressed. I can now do things I could not do 20 years ago - feats of strength, feats of grace. Each and everyone of us have this movement potential - strength, mobility, power, speed, grace - inside of us. It is in all of us waiting to be expressed.
3) Training isn't training unless it is the only movement we get. Otherwise, training should just be viewed as living.
We were made to move. When we move, if we moved, there is no need to "train" for strength, weight loss, performance or whatever. Again, they would all be natural expressions of a well moved body.
Having Original Strength means having a body without limits, without brakes. It is having a body that can freely express itself through mobility, strength, ability, fluidity, and power. This is how all of us were designed.
This week, I am in Australia with Original Strength! I will be away from my family, my home, my studio, and my normal surroundings; about as far away as I can get, and as far away as I've ever been before. But wherever I am, there I will be. And there, I will crawl. I will march. I will sprint. I will even do isometriX (I spelled it the way I wanted to). Basically, I will move and play the way my body was intended to move and play. That's right, I'm going to try and catch a kangaroo by the tale. Then i'm going to run like, well, you know....
There is freedom in moving the way we were designed to move. Learn to express the potential inside of you. Restore your Original Strength and be.
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