Wide and Narrow Rolling for your Hips and Spine
Build Mobile Hips and Stronger Legs
Rolling out Tension with the Shinbox Roll
Strong Chest, Healthy Hips
Build Strong Shoulders and Happy Hips
A Follow Along Rolling Flow for Healthy Hips and Spine
How to Build Healthy Ankles, Knees and Hips with Lunges
Improve Foot Mobility and Hip Mobility with the Lego Crawl
Heal Your Back with the V-Sit Roll
Seated Rolls for Spinal Health
Squat to Keep Your Hips Mobile and Strong
Restoring Internal and External Hip Rotation with the Seated Roll
The Fifth Rite for Strong Shoulders and Healthy Hips
Soothe Your Adductors and Restore Your Hips
Restoring Strength and Mobility in the Feet and Hips with Advanced Lego Rocking
Restoring Strength and Mobility in the Feet and Hips with Advanced Lego Rocking...
2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago