Loosen Tight Shoulders with the Shoulder Wheel
Strengthen Your Vestibular System and Your Shoulders by Rocking Upside Down and Right-side Up
Build Strong Shoulders, Abs, and Explore Your X with Slow Crawling
Build Strong and Stable Shoulders with Single-Arm Rocking
Build healthy shoulders and a strong back
Bulletproof Your Shoulders with Leverage
Lunge Press for strong legs and shoulders
Build Strong Shoulders and Happy Hips
Keep Your Shoulder Rotation with this Movement
The Thoracic Mobility Movement You Want to Do
Overhead Rocking for Healthy Shoulders
The Hanging Roll for Healthy Shoulders
The Fifth Rite for Strong Shoulders and Healthy Hips
How to Stretch the Quads with a Squat
Rehabilitating from Rotator Cuff Injuries - Phase 1
Strengthen Your Vestibular System and Your Shoulders by Rocking Upside Down and Right-side Up...
3 months, 1 week ago
3 months, 1 week ago